Guns of America’s Generals

0 Comments Generals don’t really carry sidearms anymore. At least American generals don’t. Not even Retired Marine General James Mattis, as far as I can tell. Oh, I’m sure he occasionally strapped on an M9A1, but it doesn’t seem to have been an everyday thing. Modern war requires generals to exercise command some distance from…

The Magpul AMAG: A New Era for Magpul

5 Minute Read 0 Comments Magpul started life in the magazine world. Their name comes from the mag pull devices they created way back when. The company has steadily grown and evolved into a powerhouse. They’ve produced tons of awesome products, the most well-known being the P-MAG. They weren’t the first company to produce polymer…

The TEC-9: A Paper Tiger

5 Minute Read 0 Comments In the realm of ineffective and inefficient firearms, the TEC-9 certainly dominates. The gun is plagued with a whole host of issues and faded away without much fanfare from the gun community. While the TEC-9 might not have been the best gun, you wouldn’t know that by its seemingly frightful…